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5 Steps to get a Job for International Student

Written by Elvis Boniface

If you are an international student who is about to graduate from university, you probably might have a lot of things already running through your mind. And chances are, one of the most pressing issues is the prospect of FINDING A JOB after university. So regardless of whether you plan to stay in the UK and follow a career or go back to your native country, finding a job for an international student after graduation is one of the hardest realities and takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

You need to keep yourself well-informed about the rules and regulations of the student VISA, which can sometimes get complicated and confusing. Also, you find companies hesitating to sponsor international students. It is because the process is costly and consumes a lot of time. There is also a risk factor involved; if the hiree doesn’t work out, all the money and time invested will go to waste.

So, if you’re confused and don’t know how to go about it – FRET NOT!

By the time you’re done reading this blog, you’ll feel a lot less frustrated and more prepared for life ahead! Job search is one of the toughest reality for every new grad


First of all, do not wait until the day of your graduation to start searching for a job. Plan well in advance and start looking out for a job while you are still studying.

Speak to your flat mates/seniors staying in your student accommodation. Talk to the career center advisors at your university, find out the options and resources that are accessible to international students. Also, try to reach out to recruitment agencies; which can also be helpful in your job hunting process. Not only would they help you with tips to crack the interview, they will provide you with details about the history and background of the company.


Networking and socializing is a critical strategy in finding your future employer. About 70% of the jobs are filled through strong ties. So, try to begin networking as early as possible. Build connections at your student accommodation and get more involved in your university community. Try and build a good relationship with your professor. When suitable, speak to people about your career interest, strategy, and ambitions. Last but not the least, attend CAREER FAIRS as much as possible.


Make sure you have a well-formatted and updated resume that lists all your experience and achievements. While talking to a prospective employer, be optimistic and try to stand out by focusing on your strengths. Don’t submit a standard resume for all the jobs- spend an extra hour researching the company and tailor your resume according to the role which you’re applying for.

If you’re a fresher without any work experience, do not panic! Employers will only want to see your problem-solving and pressure handling skills. So, craft your resume in such a manner that it not only demonstrates your passion but also highlights your strengths.


An internship is one of the best ways for an international student to get a hands-on market experience. Not only will they get you more relevant experience and skillset needed for your future career. They will also help you to earn some extra pocket money.

If you’re not sure where to look out for an internship opportunity. Keep a track on the University website or go and talk to the student center at your university or Student Career & Employment Officer for potential internship programs and vacancies.

Bonus Tip: Try to grab an internship which also sponsors a work visa. Not only will you have extra time to establish relationships but will also improve your chance of getting hired after graduation.


If you want to impress your employer, it is vital to always pay attention to the current market skills and try to keep on updating your skillset whenever and however possible. Learn necessary skills like excel, copywriting, word etc.

So, there you have it- 5 Steps that you need to follow to get yourself hired faster!

About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 & elvis@edugist.org

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