
You are Uniquely Crafted

Written by Abigael Ibikunle


Ever heard of the saying:

Be yourself because nobody is better be to be you

Nah, I don’t think so.

Have you ever;

Wondered why every year, you’re the first to make a list of things to do? You even call it your new year resolutions. But after struggling with it barely two months into the year, you let it slide.

Thought about why as an individual you make up your mind, really determined to do something but couldn’t pull through till the end?

Considered why despite all of your efforts on something, it does not yield as much result as anticipated?

Have you ever wondered why you try so hard to achieve something and someone just does it so conveniently?

Envied the success of others so lostly that you shake your head for yourself?


Ever worked so hard for something that you’re closed to getting what you merit and someone from nowhere just gets the spotlight?

Very Painful right??


Well then, have you

For once thought about the breath of life you have freely?

Ever appreciated the opportunity to even think?

Thought about the little results compared to having none?

Been grateful for how well you’re good at trying when others can’t even try?

Thankful for being better than some?

Realized that it is not of him that runs, not of him that wills but of Him that shows mercy?

Ah! Ah! Feeling Grateful right?

So here’s the point,

Until you understand that you are special and uniquely crafted, you cannot be grateful for what you have. What a pity!

Different strokes for different folks.

Will you just stop comparing yourself with others! You are unique just the way you are. You can do and achieve just about anything when you have the right mindset. The power to achieve anything comes from within and not from without.

So whether you’re a secondary school student, an undergraduate student, a postgraduate student, a teacher, lecturer or even a school owner. It’s only what you start that can be completed.

If you don’t start, you won’t know what you’ve got. That course, subject, project that looks impossible or difficult can’t be defeated if you don’t try.

Look inward and figure out that special you, that you that will turn your world around.

Thousands of people may look like you but only you have your fingerprint, no other person does!

So stop whiling away people’s time, they are waiting for you to get at what you’re originally destined to do. So that they can be blessed by and through you.

You are Different, Special and Uniquely Crafted.

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via: abigail@edugist.org/+2347035835612

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