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PTE Exam: 10 Tips & Strategies for Success

Written by Guest Contributor

10 PTE Tips & Strategies That Lead You to Success in The PTE-A Exam

When attempting the PTE-A Exam, you wouldn’t want to use the first attempt to get familiar with it. Not to talk of using second time to achieve your desired score.

I believe you wouldn’t just pick up any practice materials you find over the internet for use.

Stop hunting randomly! Follow specific tips for PTE Exam that the experts have jotted down over the years. Those tips have helped thousands to achieve their desired score.

Take a look at how you should proceed with your PTE Practice after applying for the PTE-A Exam:

1. Know all about the PTE Exam

To begin with, you should know every detail about the PTE Exam. Know which tasks fall under the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking sections.

Identify which sub-tasks carry full credit or partial credit to a section or more. You must also know how many marks a task carry since you are marked from 10 to 90. Hence, if you know topic-wise scores, it will help you plan your preparation in that direction.

2. Find the Right Resources

This is where many of the aspirants fail. They keep surfing the internet for authentic and informative practice materials or preparation materials.

Unfortunately, most of them end up getting confused amongst so many materials. Go to the internet and look for the platform that has produced a good number of results.

Such platform provides a lot of practice materials and topic wise questions for PTE Practice. Look for the reviews and stories of the achievers, get inspired and take action.


3. Prepare a proper Study Plan

After knowing all about the test format and finding the right resources, you need to make an appropriate study plan. Plan your study hours and focus on tasks that you find difficult. Give enough time to strengthen your strong points.

4. Time Management

In the PTE Exam, managing time plays the leading role; especially in the listening section. The Listening section is a bit lengthy. Being the last section, there’s a possibility that you would be mentally tired.

Hence, it becomes difficult to concentrate. Remember, you cannot master every task, so focus on strong points and practice as much as you can.

With this, you take less time in completing those tasks. You would get time for the remaining functions and reviewing your tasks.

5. Learn with Mock tests, Scored and Unscored tests

When practising for the PTE Exam Mock tests, Scored Tests and Unscored tests help you get familiar with the type of questions asked in the PTE Exam. Practice as much as you can with all of these.


6. Find a mentor for your PTE Exam

There are a lot of PTE test takers who always remain in a dilemma. Some get confused as to where they went wrong and where have they lost marks in the PTE Exam.

Also, there are the ones who fail to identify their strengths and weaknesses. In both cases, a mentor plays an important role. They not only help you identify your strength and weaknesses, they also give you tips & strategies to improve.


7. Use the Evaluation and Correction Services

Various platforms provide you with test evaluation and correction service for the PTE Exam. Get yourself evaluated as per the PTE Standards.

You will get a detailed assessment with the correction and feedback from the experts. PTE Tutorials is one of such platforms that provides you with such services.


8. Out of the box practice methods

Do not only depend on the practice materials you have in hand. Think out of the box ideas you can use to practice. For the reading section, practice reading newspapers, articles over the internet and the magazines.

In the case of Writing section, practice writing as you hear and make a note of them. For the Speaking part, you can read and record an article and listen to it for checking the pronunciation.

With regards to the Listening section, listen to radio shows and write down. You can follow all these tips that will help you improve for the PTE Exam.

9. Timely feedback helps

For improvement, you need to assess yourself and also take the input from the experts that will help you improve at each step.


10. Learn with more than one platform:

Apart from learning with the platforms that provide you with online coaching by the experts. You must also look for other platforms that help you improve.

PTE Tutorials platform allows you to learn at convenient class timings with online coaching. Also, the platform provides you with a comprehensive mobile app for learning.

There are also YouTube channels with topic wise videos from the experts. You can also join telegram channel to connect with the other PTE Test takers.



Achieving your desired PTE Score is not difficult if you follow the expert’s tips and strategies. You can, however, get on to PTE Tutorials that will guide you from the initial step to achieving your desired score.


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