Interviews Reviews The First Class Diary

First Class Diary: Celebrating Success Stories of Scholars

Written by Abigael Ibikunle

Good morning my amazing readers! Happy new month. I want to specially appreciate everyone who has been following on the series so far. Your supports have been overwhelming.

I would like to specially celebrate every guest that has been featured on the series. Your stories have encouraged, impacted, motivated and given hopes to so many people you don’t even know.

Every week, the norm is to share a success story with the followers of this great series. But today, I just want to relate with my followers. I want to bear my heart out to everyone.

In the last 13 months, we have featured 49 guests on this series and a lot of inspiring stories. I can tell you that getting those guests to come on board has been Fulfilling because the feedbacks bring smiles to my face.

For some guests, it was physical interview, others, virtual. Some guests personally reached out to be featured, others, I reached out to. Enough of my stories, what is this article about? Smile!

I am confident that there are 1001 scholars out there with amazing stories I haven’t even met. So, I am using this medium to say, please I want to share your success stories as well with my amazing readers.

While I’d be glad to reach out to them, I can’t know all of them. That is why I need you, yes you, reading this post. You are a first class graduate that wants to be featured? Or know a first class graduate that needs to be featured. Kindly direct them to me. Or reach out to me to contact them.

For every story that is shared, at least 1001 souls are encouraged, impacted and motivated to do more. Yes, please share your experiences so far on the series.

Thank you!

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via:

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