Edugist Camera/Tours

Pictures from Teach for Nigeria Coffee Chat

Written by Elvis Boniface

Recently Teach for Nigeria organized a coffee chat with her prospective fellows. Just so you know, Teach for All,
Teach for Nigeria is recruiting Nigeria’s most promising future leaders from varied disciplines to teach in Nigeria’s underserved schools in low-income communities through a highly selective, two-year Fellowship.

The Teach For Nigeria Fellowship is a transformational leadership program that equips Fellows with transferable leadership skills to effect change beyond the classrooms in the communities we serve. After the Fellowship, alumni of Teach For Nigeria build on their classroom teaching experience to drive long-term systemic changes in the educational sector in Nigeria as they progress into leadership roles in their varied professions. The Teach For Nigeria model is based on the proven success of 40 country organizations including Teach For America, Teach First UK, Teach For Ghana, Teach For Bangladesh, Teach For Nepal and Teach For India, who are all part of the Teach For All network.

I was part of the chat and have the pleasure to share some pictures with you, our dear readers.








About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 &

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