Edtech and Digital Literacy Teaching and Learning

Questions you Must Answer before Applying for an Online Course

Written by Elvis Boniface
We’ve all heard about online training but you might be asking yourself “Is it right for me?” For young people who are employed in the private sector and will have a tight scheduled for a number of years, online training may be the only way out for them.
But I tell you this, its better late than never. Online training best suits those looking to advance their current position or perhaps wanting to change career paths. This is one way of adding buff to your CV.
Online training is becoming more and more popular all over the world given that it makes academic programs available to individuals who otherwise would not have access to such resources. This is especially true for those living in remote communities.
Most online training programs are self-paced, meaning that you work on the course when it best suits your schedule. The main advantage of this is that you can work on the course at any time convenient to you and in the comfort of your home.
However, one disadvantage is that procrastination may creep in. You keep saying “I’ll do it tomorrow” but of course, tomorrow doesn’t always come as you expect. If you want to advance at work or make a career change, you will have to be self-motivated to take full advantage of online training courses.
Some online training programs are as simple as a series of Web Page forms that you fill out in sequence and receive your grade at the end of the series. In the mid-range, online training programs may contain graphics, a streaming-video lecture and/or various other multimedia presentations.
High-end programs may contain a combination of those elements and possibly a real time interactive session with the teacher and other students enrolled in the program.
So to decide if online training is really for you, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Am I comfortable using a computer? Am I tech savvy?
  • Is the same course being offered at my local institutions or schools?
  • Will that online course helped me achieve my goals?
  • Does the course offer a degree or diploma? If so are they recognized in the related industry in my country?
  • Do i have enough self-motivation to complete the course on my own?
If you can answer them convincingly, then why not get searching and give yourself a chance. Take your time, make sure the online program you are applying for will help you achieve your academic goals. You also have to be sure that you have enough personal motivation to complete the course.

OG Adoga is a writer and youth culture enthusiast. He blogs at http://hiphophead.com.ng

About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 & elvis@edugist.org

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