
The real truth between Whatsapp purchase and Sanusi Suspension

Written by Elvis Boniface

Do you remember president Goodluck brought Facebook to Nigeria during his campaign?  $20B went missing in Nigeria. Facebook buys WhatsApp for $16B. Nigeria owns WhatsApp!

Note: The remaining $4B is what we regard as miscellaneous or rounding error in Nigeria!

About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 &


  • Curruption has turn Nigerian’s leaders to something else,where only the rich one to be rich for ever without thinking of the less-previledge people they only want to be on power for ever as if it’s a monarchy where a king would hand over the power to his son,and that’s why they must die there. When we were in Primary and Secondary Schools our teachers used to tell us that youth are the leaders of tomorrow,if this statement is true why is it that the people that have been in power since then are still the one rulling us now???

  • Curruption has turn Nigerian’s leaders to something else,where only the rich one to be rich for ever without thinking of the less-previledge people they only want to be on power for ever as if it’s a monarchy where a king would hand over the power to his son,and that’s why they must die there. When we were in Primary and Secondary Schools our teachers used to tell us that youth are the leaders of tomorrow,if this statement is true why is it that the people that have been in power since then are still the one rulling us now???

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