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Education Personality of the Week: Yinka Ogunde

Written by Elvis Boniface

Editor Note: Today we introduce “Education Personality of the Week” as a spotlight for leading lights in education  and we are happy to kick-start with an amazon; the mother of marketing in education in Nigeria. To be feature here or to recommend personalities to be feature here please send us an email at info@edugist. It is my pleasure to introduce Mrs. Yinka Ogunde, CEO of Edumark Consults  

Mrs. Yinka Ogunde  attended Our Lady of Apostles seconday School, Yaba, Lagos before proceeding to study English at the University of Lagos and also gaining a Masters degree in Mass communication from the same University.

She started her working life after youth service as a reporter at Nigerian Television Authority and then Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo State. She had served at Promoserve, one of the top 5 agencies in those days working on several accounts such as Pfizer (now Neimeth), Vono, Citizen’s Bank and Marc & Mei. She also served with M-Gold Communications before setting up Goals & Ideas, which has now evolved into a group of companies.

Goals and Ideas Group currently comprises Edumark (a leading Education Marketing Firm working with leading Educational institutions across Nigeria), Brand Connection, an experiential organisation and a new digital marketing outfit reach, 360.com.

She is Founder of one of the largest Facebook Education groups in the country, ‘CONCERNED PARENTS AND EDUCATORS’ as well as creator of ‘All About Schoolsng’. She has vast interests in the sector

She is in charge of the organization of several programmes such as:

  • We are the Future of our Nation (an inspirational youth program)
  • Publishing of School Tips Magazine
  • Organizer – Total School Support Seminar/Exhibition (Tosse)
  • Organizer – International Schools & Colleges Exhibition
  • Entrance Exam Guide

She is also a certified Speaker and Coach with the John Maxwell Team. She is happily married with children.

One thing you don’t know about her is that she travels with a lot of novels.

Edugist celebrates this quintessential woman and she is our Education Personality of the Week.


About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 & elvis@edugist.org

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