
University Lecturers Use Research Grants to Buy Big Cars, Build Houses, Drink Beer – Ugwoke

Written by Brownson Etimbuk

Comrade Samson Chijioke Ugwoke, National President of Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities, SSANU, has accused those saddled with the administration of universities of gradually killing education through corruption.

The SSANU National President, who is also the Chairman of Joint Action Committee, JAC, comprising National Association of Academic Technologists, NAAT, Non-Academic Staff Union of Universities and Educational Institutions, NASU, and the SSANU, said some university lecturers use research grant to buy big cars, build houses and drink beer, while little or nothing is done on research.

This, he said, was the reason for the mega rally university non-teaching staff had that took them to the Federal Ministry of Education and the National Assembly where they called for investigation into university administration across the country.

He pleaded with government to set up Visitation Panels to all the universities that are overdue, let them study what is happening in the universities and unravel the corruption taking place because they are collecting IGR and they account to nobody. “We are not even talking about sex for marks, abuse of young girls and money for marks; so many unwholesome things are happening in the system.

“Let them investigate the research allowances they get which they are using to buy big cars and building houses and a lot of other works are finished at the beer parlour. By 3 o’clock they are already drinking till 11pm, that is where they do the research. “These are things we know and nobody is talking. They are at the staff club drinking beer till 10, 11 pm. Is that where they do the research?

Let government investigate the research allowances that are given out in the universities”.

The union leader pleaded with the National Assembly to wade into corruption in the university system so as to make the place a proper place for education.

About the author

Brownson Etimbuk

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