Features Teaching and Learning

COVID-19: 5 Ways to Make Learning Fun and Exciting for your Wards

Written by Abigael Ibikunle

5 Ways to Make Learning Fun and Exciting for your Wards

Parents and children are no longer battling with the question of when they would ever get back to school. It is now, in what ways, do we ensure we don’t miss out when schools resume.

Several parents have tried the home schooling, digital learning and different kinds of learnings. While some have found it exciting and worth exploring, some are already frustrated.

By now, EVERY PARENT should appreciate teachers who stay with children for the better part of the day. They are the real MVPs.

For parents who have been on explorational journey with the home schooling, please share your discoveries with us in the comment section. For those frustrated, you can have a refreshed mindset by trying some new ways.

Let’s see some ways to change the game for you.

Make the environment familiar and friendly

The environment stimulates learning. That is why a school environment is different from a home environment. There has to be something they can relate with.

It naturally stimulates them. It brings out the curiosity in them. What spices have you added to the new learning environment? What new ways have you explored?


Relate the topics to real life

Story telling makes learning conversational and exciting. But, try using objects and scenes at home to drive home your points.

For example, you can get an orange and divide it to teach ratio, division, shapes. You can also make use of pepper and oil to teach simultaneous equation and many more.


Start with subjects that interests them

Every child has subjects of interests that they will never be bored with. When they are learning these subjects, their morale is high.

When their interest is sustained, you can introduce other subjects. But, most importantly, be attentive to their needs.


Understand and Adopt their Learning styles.



Teachers know better that children have individual differences. Also, children have learning styles that suite them. Some learn faster doing practical. Others, smooth and well detailed explanation does the magic.

Take time to study your wards and understand what learning methods suit them. Be creative in your teaching.


Play Games

Every child likes games. Games are recreational activities that help our body and mind relax. You can play educational games as a form of learning. Scrabble is a good game for spelling. Explore educational games and let them play.


Please add more in the comment section, let’s help parents this season.

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via: abigail@edugist.org/+2347035835612

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