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COVID-19: Explore e-Learning to Stay Updated

Written by Abigael Ibikunle

Explore e-learning to stay updated this period.

Every child is unique; every playful child has an amazing side that is wrapped inside the playfulness. It takes an extremely patient, understanding and deliberate heart to discover it.

The world at large is overwhelmed by the pandemic spread and countries are beginning to explore lockdown.

While shops, offices, companies, stocks and many more can be shutdown, the human brains cannot be shutdown. Interestingly, this is the best period to think and swing to actions.

Basically, majority didn’t see this coming. By now, every ward is at home with their family. Now, everyone is embracing technologies to survive. And those who are not technologically inclined are looking for ways to upgrade.

As it is, UNESCO has revealed that about 1.37b students and 60m teachers are out of classroom as a result of the covid-19. Are you thinking what I’m thinking? Does that ring a bell in your head? I am sure it does.

It will interest you to know that technology is not gradually taking over. It has taken over already. You either upgrade and stay on track or remain behind. Please decide that yourself.

So many companies are now working from home. Virtual Assistance is gradually becoming the new meal ticket. As a parent, have you thought about the possibility of this compulsory holiday of your children extending longer than anticipated?

As a student, have you factored in the possibility of getting so distracted with the news update so much that you lose track of your courses?


Way Forward

How do you remedy a situation that has come to stay regardless? As a parent, how do you help your wards stay on track and not lose too much academically? Students, undergraduates, how do you ensure you maximize this period?

Explore e-Learning Apps and Platforms

There are several e-learning apps that you probably do not know of. Some you are aware of, you do not know it can be further explored for classroom learning purpose. It’s alright, you didn’t know but now you will know. You may have heard of Kahoot, google classroom, Zoom, Skype, Skill Pill, Lynda, Edmodo, Moodle, Schoology, Docebo, iMovie, just to name a few.

These applications vary depending on the class of use. Some are educational video games, some are platforms to use to explore learning. Whichever one you decide to use, keep yourself void of excuses to learn.

If you need help, reach out to people who can. Don’t just keep to yourself. Google is always a good friend. I am also a friend. I was happy when some of the readers reached out to me regarding an update I made.

Take Online Courses

Due to the situation of the world at large, some courses you would naturally pay for have been discounted 100%. What this means is that, you can equip yourself with courses relative to your interest and passion.

Some of these courses are self-paced and that means you can do it as it suits you. So, while you practice social distance, self-isolation, quarantine as the case may be in your situation, take online courses as well.

There are free courses on Coursera, Udemmy, Khan Academy, edX, Alison, just to name a few. You can check those sites to take free courses or even courses at a very low fee.


Be Deliberate About Improvement

While it is possible to have access to opportunities, a conscious effort and readiness is needful. So, even when there are 1001 opportunities to explore, an unwilling heart will still not explore. Learning in itself requires deliberateness. If as a parent, you lack this, then you cannot encourage your children to.

Tutors, Use this Time to Upgrade Yourself

This season will open the eyes of many parents and students to several skills. Upon resumption, if care is not taken, a tutor who has not upgraded will be laughed at.

It will become really embarrassing if as a teacher, upon resumption, your students are the ones introducing you to some things. Especially things that you are familiar with but too lazy to research about.

As a teacher, get equipped accordingly. Start thinking of means to improve and take your teaching to the next level. Be creative about your teaching. Become deliberate about using e-learning to teach. Use those e-learning apps to teach your students once in a while.

While you’re observing social distancing, don’t lose your clients- private students to the situation. Make something of it. You can explore an application like zoom and many others to teach as though you were there physically. If you need help with how to go about that, please reach out!

Parents, Get to Know Your Children!

Overtime, with my relationships and interactions with young minds, I have discovered that most of them cannot talk with their parents. I have hundreds of young minds who would rather confide in me than in their parents.

Interestingly, these are children of parents who seem very free with people. Still, their children can’t seem to talk freely with them.

Some are too busy and only meet the material needs of their children forgetting that they have emotional needs as well. There are even some that their voices scare their children.

The major reason you try so hard to make ends meet is because of these children, cater to their needs completely!
Of course, some children are really bundle of playfulness.

Every child is unique; every playful child has an amazing side that is wrapped inside the playfulness. It takes an extremely patient, understanding and deliberate heart to discover it.

Be intentional about knowing your child this period. Become the you that you needed, when you were their age. That’s how to come down to their level and see things from their perspective.

That’s how you will not be irritated and angry at them when they’re being a baby, child, adolescent, youth that they are.


I’d love to know your thoughts about this.

I am Abigael Ibikunle, and I am passionate about these young minds. iTeach, iSpeak, iTrain, iFacilitate, iWrite, iInterview and iShakeTables. Smiles!
Thanks for reading!

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via:


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