
Edugist: The New Journey for the Blog

Written by Elvis Boniface

The journey of life takes varied forms to different people for particular reasons. The idea of this blog was borne of my passion for the field of education, as clearly spelt out in the about page. Ten months in the venture of blogging, I cannot be proud of the quality of contents-even the quantity. Why? Not laziness actually, it is having divided attention, feeling out of place for doing something different.

The Hiatus

In this ten months, I have gone on hiatus in so many occasions-always having excuses to justify them. This range from ASUU strike, business, examination, sometimes church activity, etc. In reality this is not the characteristics of an idea or venture that is meant to succeed.

The Solution

The solution is two forth with their corresponding results. Situp, work hard and make the blog the No.1 place to find information and share knowledge, or lazy around and fail. For this reason….I’m starting a new journey of making the blog your favourite corner on the web. The new schedules will take this form from henceforth:

  • minimum of three postings every week
  • well research, up-to-date and well informed contents
  • interviews
  • active Vlogging
  • timely scholarship and opportunities for students
  • Edtech, and
  • education, education, education…….

Do you also know I’m starting film making training in the new york film academy by April? Okay, am telling you, it is fully finance by the Federal Ministry of Finance, though is being postponed a couple of times. Why then am I telling you? Definitely not to show up. If it comes truth this time around, we’ll be doing it together-full updates for those interested in the vocation and art of film making. So guys that is it… Pray for me and keep visiting the blog.

About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 &

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