Africa Africa’s Education Conversation Features Opportunities

Eduvate Africa 2020: The Future of Learning

Written by Abigael Ibikunle

Eduvate Africa 2020: The Future of Learning!

It gives me joy whenever I find out our first class guests are doing well. Being a first class graduate goes beyond just certificate. How are you giving back to the society with your academic excellence?

Sometimes this year, some guests were featured on the weekly first class diary series. Today, they’re calling on undergraduates, teachers, parents or those curious about learning to come share from their wealth of experiences.

No one can deny the fact that formal education seems to no longer meet the needs of society

These days, people spend thousands of dollars to acquire certificates and degrees. Yet, they get an education that is almost completely irrelevant to the 21st century

The world is constantly evolving.
Unfortunately, our educational system has refused to catch up with the times.

Now, it is time for some action!
EduVate Africa 2020 seeks to educate as many how to Stay Relevant in ‘The Real World’

At this conference, participants will learn how to bypass archaic learning systems, declutter their knowledge space and excel

Whether you’re a Student, Teacher, Parent or just a Learning Freak, the EduVate Africa Conference 2020 will bring you out of your comfort zone. Thus, energizing you for the tasks ahead!

To register and get more details about the conference, click here.
Registration is absolutely free but compulsory.

#EduVateAfrica #memoirs

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via:

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