
Meet young Nigerian mathematics genius who broke 8-year record to strike perfect score in International Youth Maths Challenge

Written by Abdulafeez Olaitan

By Folaranmi Ajayi

Excelling in mathematics is no mean feat at all, meet the young Nigerian mathematics genius Philip Onyeaka who is making waves as a young enterprising student.

The young mathematics genius and human calculator Philip Onyeaka broke an 8-years Record to strike a perfect score in the International Youth Maths Challenge beating over 2000 Participants in the National stage.

Philip, an Academic staff from the Ideal international college Kaduna, Nigeria displayed extraordinary genius in the just concluded International Youth Maths Challenge (IYMC), the genius cracked & solved tough Mathematical Problems ranging from Calculus, Combinatorics, Algebra and Number Theory.

The young genius striked a Perfect score of 60-Points (Highest obtainable points), in the thrilling Mathematics challenge.

The low profile genius bagged Gold medal, Plaque award & a certificate of excellence, emerging the best candidate at the National stage. This feat added a feather to his cap.

Recently, the young genius proposed a solution for the RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS (A 163-years old millennium prize mathematical problem), an Analogue paper via the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI- a non-profit organization dedicated to Mathematical Research), official Website.

The young Mathematical Prodigy who is obsessed with prime numbers, aspires to be a Cryptanalyst (An expert deciphering coded messages without prior knowledge of the key – found basically in Government Intelligence organization, e.g CIA, FBI, NSA, DHI, NASA, e.t.c.).

He shows interest in Dorabella cipher (An unsolved enigma since early 1800s), hoping to decipher the code some days. The young genius looks up to notable Mathematicians & Logicians such as, Prof. Terence Tao, James William Sidis, Alan Turing, Karl waitrass, e.t.c.

It was also confirmed that the Mathematics Genius is not just a Mathematical Prodigy but a Computer & tech genius with mastery in several complicated Programming languages; Python, C++, JavaScript, Assembly language, inclusive.

It was confirmed that the young genius had bagged over 80 awards of academic excellence & mind sports in the span of 6 years, some areas which include; Mathematics (IMO Olympiad ELIT, e.t.c), Computer Programming (CISCO, DELDA, e.t.c.) Electronic embedded systems and Chess.

The young genius & his obsession for Prime numbers & Mathematical equations appears very strange.

In an interview with him, the young genius shared that Spiders & Cobwebs inspired him to develop critical hunger & passion for Mathematics.

He said: “At a young age, watching spiders on a stationary point producing cobwebs with perfect Geometric Lines without the use of Mathematical instruments ignited my Mathematical curiosity.”

The young genius, an Anambra born resides in the metropolis of Kaduna State. Despite His extraordinary brilliance, the young genius is not getting the recognition He deserves.

About the author

Abdulafeez Olaitan

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