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Second Edition of All-Nigerian Universities Debating Championship Commence Today: Join Edugist for Exclusive Reportage

Written by Elvis Boniface

The second edition of the All-Nigerian Universities Debating Championship (ANUDC) is here again and this year it will be hosted by the University of Lagos from January 23 to 30, 2015. Though the competition was meant to hold last year but was postponed due to the Ebola virus outbreak in the country. Edugist is a media partner and will bring you all the updates, information, coverage, performance and winners. So stay log-on here.

ANUDC came into existence in 2013 as a national response to the Pan-African Universities Debate Championship (PAUDC) which itself was a continental response to the World Universities Debating Championship (WUDC). It is organized to be an annual debating tournament for bonafide students (graduate and undergraduate) who are registered in universities within Nigeria (Federal, State and Private alike). The inaugural tournament was held in Calabar, Cross Rivers State and was hosted by University of Calabar, Nov 29th to Dec 8th 2013

ANUDC was established to provide an enabling platform for university students in Nigeria to interrogate contemporary national, continental and global challenges and offer alternative ideas on their resolution, through robust engagement in healthy intellectual competitions. ANUDC hopes to offer a forum for the sharing and fertilization of ideas by university students in Nigeria who constitute essentially the cream of the youth population in Nigeria, to constructively engage governance and the management of Nigerian resources with a view to reforming the nation. The championship also hopes to offer a veritable platform for the fostering of links/connections between the Nigerian youth and key policy makers for the development of the nation.

The Opening Ceremony of the championship which has the theme: ‘Power, Security and Accountability in Governance’ will hold on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 6 p.m. in the Main Auditorium, UNILAG, Akoka.

The championship serves as a precursor to and a means to increase the participation of Nigerian universities at the Pan-African Universities Debating Championship (PAUDC). It will offer a platform for Nigerian students from various universities in Nigeria to come together and engage in healthy and intellectual battle.

The event will also provide an opportunity for members of the larger debating communities, from Nigeria and outside the country, to serve as adjudicators and horn their skills while contributing to the growth of debate in Nigeria and Africa.

Edugist will bring you all the details.


About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 &


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