
Snapchat predator gets 14-year jail term for raping female students

Written by Grace Aderemi
Rape scenario

Photo credit: Indus Scrolls

A 24- year old Snapchat user, Muhammed Gaye based in Nottingham, a city in the East Midlands has been sentenced to 14 years imprisonment for raping two female students.

The students were targeted and plied with alcohol before being raped by Gaye who contacted them on Snapchat. Muhammed Gaye passed on a sexually transmitted disease to one of the victims.

According to a report by BirminghamLive news platform, Gaye met the first young woman, a university student who lived in Birmingham, in a chance street encounter in February 2021. They exchanged Snapchat details and the defendant began to contact her over the next few weeks.

She invited Gaye to her room and he turned up in the early hours of the morning with a bottle of vodka.

During the trial at the Birmingham Crown Court, the presiding judge, Francis Laird KC, said: “She drank three shots from the bottle and the alcohol had a significant effect upon her. “She became extremely intoxicated and you took advantage of that.” Gaye then went on to rape the woman who at one point had contacted a friend.

The friend arrived to see Gaye leaving, went into the victim’s room, and saw her intoxicated state. She then followed Gaye to his car, got his contact details into her phone and also took down his car registration number. The court heard that the victim was later tested and found to have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease from the incident.

When Gaye was later arrested, he gave a false name to the police and after he was given bail it took officers many months to track him down.

The second victim was a university student at Leicester and she met the defendant at a party. He also exchanged Snapchat details with her and began messaging her and after about a week or so she invited him to her room. Gaye again brought a bottle of vodka and after she took three shots, she also became drunk. Gaye went on to rape her.

Judge Laird said: “Having heard the evidence in the course of the trial I am sure that you targeted both girls who were students living alone and that you intended to have sex with them whether they consented or not.

“You took alcohol to their rooms and you passed on a sexually transmitted infection.” He said both victims had been affected to a “significant degree”.

The judge pronounced a 14-year jail on Gaye following a trial of six charges of rape, three serious sexual offenses, and perpetuating an act intended to pervert the course of justice.

About the author

Grace Aderemi

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