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5 Things to know on your first day at University

Written by Elvis Boniface

Done packing for your university, said goodbye to your parents, settled into your new student accommodation? Great! Now the next big step is to survive the first day at University. You may probably feel super excited or extremely nervous. All you have to do, is to take a deep breath and take this as an exciting opportunity to grow yourself. And start your student career optimistically.

I am going to tell you a few tips which might help you feel a little bit anxious about the same. And also help you make the most of your classes and student life, starting from your first day.

1) Plan your day and Establish your routine.

There are many things which might be running in your head about your new University. From your beautiful campus to your classmates. But you don’t have to rush on everything at once. Balance your free time between your work, mental peace. And don’t forget to complete all those assignments. The best way to do this is to make a time table.

Also, don’t be so hard on yourself. I understand, there is too much pressure to get good grades, to adjust in the environment completely new. But always, give time to your hobbies, keep doing activities you like which will help you if you are feeling homesick in the starting few days. Remember, all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy, and no one wants to be like Jack.

If you have questions about anything, don’t hesitate to ask from the staff out there, and feel free to speak up. Express yourself to the new people and teachers you are going to meet there.

Make a time table and stick it on the wall, if that helps you.

2) Don’t panic if you can’t find your class.

Spend your first day exploring your University. If you are getting confused, and don’t know where the washroom is, don’t feel shy to ask the staff or anyone there. You don’t have to kill your hunger, put some efforts and find your cafeteria. You might make new friends there. They might be as nervous as you. Remember, this is everyone’s first day at the University. So, when you get a break from your class, you can get to know the directions of offices, cafeteria, library, washroom, lecture halls and explore every place in the University.

There is one more important thing you need to keep in mind during your first day, whether you have got access to the University internet and network. If not, go to the management and get your laptop registered to use the network. It would be super annoying if you open your laptop to google something and you realize that your laptop is not connected to the internet. To avoid that, you know what to do.

3) Don’t forget your first-day essentials.

Forgetting your pen on the table and asking from the mates you don’t know is a bit weird for you on your first day. You can avoid this by making a check-list for yourself, and you don’t need to keep a lot of unnecessary things. Keep things which are important for you.

  • Keep your student I.D if you have got it already.
  • Don’t forget your official university documents, passport photos, University acceptance letter.
  • You don’t want to miss out on essential things about your University, the best way to remember is to write it in your diary.
  • You don’t have to roam around confused, get the campus map with you.
  • Keep snacks with you in case you get hungry, and the cafeteria is full.

Bonus tip – Don’t wear anything which can make you feel uncomfortable. Thinking about those heels? Make sure it doesn’t give you the painful shoe-bite. You don’t want to walk funny on your first day, right?

4) Get involved in O Week

There are students from many different places, everything’s new and exciting. O week can be the best time to get to know the new environment. Do you miss playing basketball? Join the basketball club; you will meet many people of similar interests. University can be a pretty lonely place when you don’t have friends. Interested in something else? There are many clubs you can sign up too! Well, you can also get benefits from all the facilities provided by the University. Keep an eye out on great discounts and deals too! There will be some events organized by your University for you to socialize and chill with other people. Don’t miss on that, alright? You can binge-watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S. later.

5) Last but not least, Interact with your professors.

No, you just can’t be quiet. If you have doubts or anything to say, Speak up! Your professors can guide you in your courses and can be incredibly helpful. If you clear your doubts, you will not only earn grades. With good performance and behavior, you might also get graduate school recommendations and job suggestions. Keep making notes, and pay attention and jot everything down, which sounds important to you.

You survived your first day of University, Congratulate yourself. Yes, University is different in many ways. From school, from learning styles to dress code. But don’t worry, even when you have a stressful and confusing day. You can always make it better the next day. Chill, and don’t be so hard on yourself. All the best!

About the author

Elvis Boniface

Ordained Evangelist of the Education Ministry. Learning is my lifestyle, credo and religion. On a mission to disrupt and redirect Africa's Education conversation using Technology and Media. We can do it. Open to discuss any Education initiative and idea. #peace

Speedy reach: +2348185787349 & elvis@edugist.org

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