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Will Technology Replace Teachers in the Future?

Written by Abigael Ibikunle

Will technology replace teachers in the future?

In this era of innovations, one cannot ignore the fact that students also need various innovations of modern technology to study.

Thus, we are not wrong in saying that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is replacing everything, even teachers.

But the question however remains – Will technology replace teachers in the future?

Technology will play a significant role in students’ life but not as big as a teacher’s role. Though technology in its way plays a significant role, it cannot completely replace teachers.

The famous scientist, Stephen Hawking also warned the human race. The renowned scientist Stephen Hawking also warned the world about artificial intelligence:

AI on one side could transform every aspect of human life, but on the other, poses new challenges that can damage mankind as a whole

Why can technology not replace teachers?

Technology is changing the way teachers interact with students. And for the betterment of students, teachers also need to adopt technology in their teachings. But using technology cannot replace teachers for the following reasons:

Learning online is becoming popular. But for the most part in education, students need motivation and guidance, which a robot cannot provide. A robot cannot choose the right course for them or which study materials will suit their needs.

Only a teacher knows when to push their students and when they have to show sympathy. Teachers do not need coding to give different forms of explanations about the same topic, whether to bright students or the weaker ones.

We cannot neglect the interactive element of the classroom, i.e. the teacher-student relationship. There is a belief that teachers have good experience and judgment skills.

For example, when to control a class, reading moods of the students, the pitch and pace of the classroom. A computer would be able to do it neither now nor in the future.

Another advantage of having a teacher over technology is that they make sure we are using the technology in the right way. They put in efforts and certain things like showing up on time and developing expectations about being fair and representing our work.

We cannot deny that technology can make education accessible through the medium of videos, images, or Skype sessions. But even in the online videos, we see that teachers are necessary for teaching any topic. George Couros, an innovative teacher, says that

Technology will not replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.

Since AI has more advanced skills so the organisations need not hire humans. That is, we can say that if technology can replace teachers, then it can also replace students as well. The British linguist, Ray Clifford also noted:

Technology can’t replace teachers, but teachers who use technology can replace teachers who don’t use technology.

Teachers are mandatory to teach personal skills to students. AI cannot teach skills like time management, decision making, and so on. William Henry Gates (Bill Gates) says that.

Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them; the teacher is the most important.

Technology can help in learning, but it cannot replace teachers. Thus, we are not saying that technology as a whole is nothing, but

Technology is not alone going to improve student achievement. The best combination is great teachers working with technology to engage student’s pursuit of the learning they need.

Aligning with this statement, Homework Minutes believe in human involvement to make study realistic.

Our tutors are humans with whom you can have a one-on-one chat, to get the solutions for all your queries.

We provide 24/7 assistance to help them complete their pending assignments. Thus, the statement is evident that technology can neither replace teachers today nor tomorrow.

About the author

Abigael Ibikunle

Associate Correspondent at Edugist, Abigael Ibikunle is a Mathematics Education graduate. A professional Journalist and a passionate writer. She can be reached via: abigail@edugist.org/+2347035835612

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